There is no denying that pests of all varieties pose issues for crops worldwide. Farmers have been searching for ways to combat the “bad” pests without deterring the “good" pests needed for crop pollination. Organic farms have been struggling with crop losses due to “bad" pests. An article in American Fruit Grower documents how one farmer found an innovative way to combat a pest, that was causing total losses, that didn’t involve the use of chemicals or pesticides.

Insect netting isn’t exactly “new” to the market, but its benefits aren’t always widely known. Using a fabric to block pests is one of the best ways to reduce the use of chemicals while also increasing the amount of good pests that reach the plant. In the article, an apple grower was able to use a white insect netting to prevent codling moths from damaging acres of apple production. The grower was worried about helpful ladybugs being blocked by the netting, so they installed the netting over the trees and rolled the bottom of the fabric up off the ground some. This allowed the ladybugs to reach the tree from the ground while keeping the moths from reaching the leaves of the trees. For further details, you can read the full article .

Insect netting from Acadian Industrial Textiles can help protect crops in a similar way. It is able to be draped over plants or existing structures and is made of HDPE which is strong enough to withstand birds and weather while being flexible enough to be rolled at the bottom allowing ground dwelling pests to reach crops. Available in various colors, shade factors, and opening sizes, Acadian can help you find the right fabric for your specific crop and growing region. Click here for a full guide on instect netting effectiveness.